The ramblings of a sociopathic thought junkie.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Inconsiderate people

You know what I realized recently...people are inconsiderate as fuck. I mean I'm a sociopath but I don't just do inconsiderate things just to do them. If I do something inconsiderate I'm either getting paid or I'm getting some sort of personal enjoyment out of it.

So I'm at work today and in the bathroom I noticed a puddle of water under the urinals. I'm not Sherlock Holmes but I have some skill in deducing things so I noticed that one of the urinals were completely full. Some inconsiderate bum put tissue in the urinal. Now why would anyone do something so inconsiderate I ask...I seriously wanna know...think about it...I'll wait.
That's not all though. Not only was it full and had tissue in it, people continued to use aforementioned urinal until it leaked it's contents onto the floor. We all know someone has to clean it. Now it's not that I personally care, I'm not the head of bathroom maintenance. It's just that I had to suffer through an agonizing 5 minutes while relieving myself next to this ungodly site. So whoever you are I'd like to award you a punch in the face. Sadly I don't know who you are...

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